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Location: Waco, Texas, United States

My life is blessed with a wonderful husband of 47 years, Darrell Lee Selke. Together we have had quite an adventure. A wedding in 1970, four kids; turning into a Gibbie and a Poppie with 13 grankids ...and staying joyful as we truly give God glory for such abundant blessings all along the way. We've had our challenges as all families do, but life is good because God is good. I love being a wife, mother, grandmother, daughter, sister, aunt, and friend. We're excited about the future and looking forward to the next adventure God has for us,just around the corner I'm sure.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Admitting I Am Truly A Cracked Pot...

Have you ever read that little book, "God Uses Cracked Pots"? Well, I am one of those. Hopefully, there is Light that shines through here and there; yet nevertheless, here I am, cracked and so imperfect! I'm thankful that I could say some things in my last 'grumbling' blog entry that was relatable to probably most mothers in America. Those feelings and observations were true in my mind... but were they loving? That is the question I've had to ask myself over the last several days. The greatest commandment God ever gave was for us to love Him with all our hearts, souls, and strength; to love our neighbors as ourselves. Who is our neighbor? Could it be our husbands and children? Those precious gifts from God given to us for a lifetime; for eternity? We live in an imperfect world with imperfect people and I'm wondering if when I voiced my frustration with my family; wasn't this a form of self-focus; somehow being puffed up; exalting me rather than finding a place to honor and value my family? God knows they could write a tribute to my inadequacies, flaws, mistakes, and sarcastic comments... but they didn't. Of course, stuff happens that is unfair; misunderstandings, unloving words and actions occur; especially in a family. Not only do we all deal with our flesh, but we have an enemy who loves to drop little whispers of dissension, bitterness, and self-pity in our ears to cause disunity. Afterall, the family is God-ordained; a picture of Christ and His Church; a place to practice having a servant heart toward others. A family is a place to grow and to be changed more and more into the image of Jesus... the greatest servant of all. Our adversary, the devil, hates Jesus and he hates you and me as well. He "comes to steal, kill, and destroy; but Jesus came to give life and that more abundantly". The phrase "What would Jesus do?" has become a meaningless cliche to many; yet there is so much Truth in that question. I would do well to consider it before blogging. :0) Please forgive me Darrell for the things I might have said that dishonored you; forgive me Coby, Amy, Sara, and Emily for becoming defensive when surely anything you've ever said or done was not meant to harm or hurt me. Thank you for forgiving me when I've said or done things that hurt you. I am thankful and very humbled that God could still use my transparency to bring about a camaraderie among mothers, young and old; to let us all know there is nothing new under the sun. We all struggle with big and seemingly trivial things in our marriages and in relationships with our children; whether they are still babies or all grown up. That is life. However the question is, for all of us I think... Will we choose to love unconditionally even when it's hard or just when we are being affirmed; when we 'feel' loved and valued? We are all changing and growing in our families, aren't we? Growing in love and honor and blessing toward each other is the principle thing, I believe. Lord help me to do better; to love with Your uncompromising and unconditional love. Lord, be glorified in our families that others might see You more... and us less. God bless whoever reads this today. Please understand that I am still on a journey and that sometimes I get tired and stumble... and not very gracefully at that.


Blogger Sara said...

Thanks Mom! We love you! And we DO appreciate you!!! =)

October 27, 2007 at 2:24 AM  

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